Dating colt detective special

Dating > Dating colt detective special

Introduced to the firearms market by the in 1953, the Trooper and its high-end cousin, the. The two guns were seen as ideal in size and handling characteristics for the and its big brother the. It was dating colt detective special in and. Early blued Troopers boasted a two-tone with dull Colt on the flat surfaces and a black texture on the edges and cylinder flutes. Both and Service versions of the Trooper were available, the Target models sporting hand-fillinglarger and widerand. Service versions featured smaller more basic hammers and stocks, and sights. All the Troopers from this series had hammer mounted. The Trooper was at the entry-level and Specoal enforcement service-level segment of the firearms market while the highly and expensive 357 rating revolver cokt intended to be their premium offering. Both models shared the same and hand-fitted internal lockwork. After the introduction of the more expensive Python in 1955, Colt discontinued the basic. The new offering retained the. The Trooper continued to be offered in. The new revolvers employed transfer-bar lockwork system, so that the revolver could fire only if the trigger was deliberately pulled completely to the rear. Unlike the older flat style, they were coiled and made entirely of -resistant. A new ammunition chambering option, thealso became available for the first time. Classic models included the venerable chambered in. New members of fetective line up included the Lawman, Metropolitan Police, and Border Patrol. Lawman The Lawman was a. The Lawman came with fixed sights and no ejector rod shroud. Initial guns came with narrow service grips, but most come with larger target grips. The Lawman came with a heavy barrel in lengths of two inch and four inch only. Early versions of the Datign with the two inch barrel had an exposed ejector rod; but later models with the two inch barrel have an attribute unique to the Lawman, the only Lawman barrel equipped with shrouded datinh rod, resembling something of a dating colt detective special third-generation. Exterior modifications included a compact grip frame with rounded grips; other changes were engineering-based with the goal of simplifying and facilitating production. The legacy solid rib remained available as well. ddtective

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